
Emerging Leaders Series

Emerging Leaders enhances leadership effectiveness and business insight by focusing on developing critical skills that shape career and organizational performance. 


Your Leadership Journey

1 Day

Gain the knowledge and skills to meet the challenges leaders’ will face in their transition to their new role within the organization.


Communicating for Leadership Success 

1 Day

Develop strong interpersonal skills to get things done by mobilizing and engaging others.


Communicating For Leadership Success

1 Day

Leaders will learn the interaction essentials they need to handle the variety of challenges and opportunities they encounter every day in the workplace and beyond.


Coaching for Peak Performance 

1 Day

Learn a variety of coaching techniques and how to handle both proactive and reactive coaching discussions, creating more efficient and effective teams.


Delegating With Purpose 

1 Day

Develop stronger delegation skills leaders need to address daily challenges of leading a team, gain the commitment of team members, and enhance the overall capability and capacity of their teams.


Resolving Workplace Conflict  

1 Day

An introduction to resolution tactics and practice recognizing the signs of escalating conflict and how to take appropriate action to minimize damage and enhance performance.


Pair it with:

The Leadership Character Insight Assessment (LCIA) is designed to measure leadership character and provide leaders and potential leaders with practical insight regarding the importance of character, key dimensions of character.

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