Friday, February 4, 2022
Last Updated

What is International Week?

Fanshawe College is excited to be hosting International week again this year in 2022. This will be a weak full of fun and informative events to bring both international and domestic students together. Showcasing the diverse and rich culture that is here at Fanshawe College is our top priority! Being able to spend a week celebrating, learning and embracing all the different cultures on campus is something that we look forward to every year. Fun activities and games are offered throughout the week such as art submissions, trivia and cultural food dish videos, as well as informative sessions like a senior/alumni panel to ask questions and gain advice and an information session to learn how to utilise Fanshawe College library to your success. Emphasising the unique diversity that is on the campus at Fanshawe College deserves to be celebrated at any chance we get! Creating a platform and environment for who students are making London their home away from home, or for those where London has always been their home to come together is something we take pride in as Fanshawe Falcons. Planning events to engage all students has been so much fun and being a team of a domestic student and an international student helps give a diverse outlook on the International week.

Hear From Our Students

My name is Mollie McDermott and I am an international student from The Bahamas who is currently studying PR Corporate Communications at Fanshawe College. Currently I am completing my placement at Fanshawe International and while organising this year's International Week it has made me reflect on my time as a new student. Coming to London was a huge adjustment for me as I knew home as somewhere tropical and now it was somewhere that experienced all 4 seasons. Despite the weather being a change, the cultural differences and learning all aspects of a new place attending a school like Fanshawe that has broad cultural diversity and resources to help you adjust to student life, I couldn't have asked for a better school to go to.


My name is Molly Poznanski and I am a domestic student from a small village outside of London, Ontario called Dorchester. Being so close to London, I was familiar to the city but still had lots of learning to do when I moved to the city. My experience at Fanshawe has been full of diversity and constant learning and I wouldn't want to change that! I got the opportunity to study Special Event Planning at the downtown campus and loved the intimacy the campus brought, and now I am currently studying Public Relations and Corporate Communications virtually due to the pandemic. Both experiences have been full of diversity and a sense of community no matter where my classmates are from. The acceptance and celebration that Fanshawe exudes has been nothing short of what I expected and I am so excited to be apart of continuing to bring people together from all around the world.

Get Involved!

As International Week approaches its important to get involved in all the opportunities and events provided as this will not only help you meet other people that are in the same shoes as you but set you up for success as a Fanshawe student. Going to a school that has a diverse global outlook and offers specific support to students from abroad provides a sense of belonging and home that is crucial to happiness not only just within your studies but your life in general. 


Make sure you follow Fanshawe International on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with the events planned and see all the amazing culture Fanshawe College celebrates. Also don't forget to stay up to date with your Fanshawe emails as available links to live events will be shared via email. Looking forward to seeing everyone get involved and becoming more culturally together.


If you would like to get involved check out the link below of the schedule of events for I-week 

International Week Schedule

Co-written by: Molly Poznanski & Mollie Mcdermott