Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Last Updated

Submitted by Shirley Porter, M.Ed., RP, RSW
Counsellor, Fanshawe College


During this time of prolonged social distancing, many people are feeling lonely and out of sorts. It can be especially trying for those who are living alone and away from family. If you are struggling with a lack of social contact, there are some things that you can do to help yourself:

  • Schedule times for online or phone chats with friends or family members – so that you are connecting with someone at least once a day;
  • Set up a weekly online group chat for family or friends. Maybe you could all have a meal together at the same time (in your own homes);
  • Meet up with a friend for a socially distanced walk (if neither are feeling ill). You can talk while keeping a safe space between you.
  • Go for frequent walks on your own. Even seeing others outside can help you to feel less isolated. 

And if you need to connect with a counsellor, don’t hesitate to call us.  Counsellors are available to students who are taking courses in the spring semester.  Call 519-452-4282 to schedule a phone or online appointment.  We are here for you.