Define your own pathway to academic and career success

There are many routes to learning and achieving academic and career success. Find the right academic pathway to meet your goals and get the credit you deserve, whether it’s to continue your education at Fanshawe or at one of our partner institutions within the city, the province, the country or around the world.


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What are pathways?

Pathways are the different academic routes you could take to pursue additional credentials while gaining recognition for your prior learning. Pathways may allow you to: get recognition for previous work or life experience related to your college program, access your desired credential, take credits with you when moving on to another program within or beyond Fanshawe, enter your desired program at an advanced semester or level, and/or save time and money.

To promote applicant and student success, fairness and equity in academic mobility, Fanshawe has established procedures to allow you to identify, have assessed, and receive recognition for prior formal/non-formal learning at Fanshawe and beyond. These include credit transfer, advanced standing, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and articulation agreements.

Because your success is our priority, if you transfer through one of our pathway opportunities available, you may be eligible to apply for a Pathways Scholarship starting at $1,000.


Our Commitment to You

Fanshawe College Pathways Best Practices 

To support Fanshawe College’s mission and strategic goals, the College has developed and implemented a set of best practices rooted in research on the principles which guide academic mobility in the sector, province, country and internationally. These best practices align with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)’s vision outlined in the Policy Statement for Ontario’s Credit Transfer System and seek to promote academic integrity, applicant and student success and mobility and fairness and equity in the College pathways practices. The best practices also align with the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) Principles for Credit Transfer Policies and Procedures.

Fanshawe is committed to:

  1. Act in the best interest of applicants and students.
    1. Establish pathways to provide applicants and students with options for pursuing the path most appropriate to their goals.
    2. Seek maximization of student mobility by conducting curriculum mapping and ensuring that applicants and students have the appropriate knowledge and experience for success without being required to duplicate prior learning, and that they are awarded a credential reflective of their academic achievement.
  2. Research, collect, and share data to ensure the demand for, and the viability and potential risks of, proposed pathways and to evaluate the pathways following implementation.
    1. Conduct due diligence to assess any potential risks, e.g.: financial, logistical, reputational, etc. associated with the pathway, and balance potential risks against anticipated gains/benefits.
    2. Determine how pathways will be evaluated, e.g.: the number of students who use the pathway; the academic and/or professional success of students; student perception; etc.
    3. Provide applicants and students with the opportunity to give feedback about the pathway both pre- and post-implementation.
  3. Agree upon methods for developing and terminating pathways and articulation agreements.
    1. Subject formal agreements to rigorous academic review by consulting with relevant stakeholders such as subject matter experts, the Office of the Registrar, Pathways Coordinators, quality assurance and curriculum development professionals, and higher education administrators in decisions regarding the proposed pathways.
    2. Identify and communicate the basis on which credit granting decisions concerning pathways and articulation agreements are made by the receiving program, e.g.: minimum acceptable grade or achievement level, required courses or bridging studies, language requirements, procedures that students will follow when requesting credit and appealing credit transfer decisions.
    3. Ensure consistency in the development and application of pathways so that candidates to whom the pathways do not apply will understand and recognize why.
    4. Determine a mechanism for ensuring pathways remain up-to-date, establish timelines, where appropriate, and assign roles and responsibilities among the participating institutions, and among relevant internal stakeholders for this maintenance procedure.
    5. Provide a rationale when proposing changes to existing pathways.
    6. Ensure that in the event that the partners or functions of a formal agreement change, the parties agree to work together to protect the interests of any students currently deriving benefit from the agreement.
  4. Align the terms and procedures of pathways to the policies, practices, and regulations of relevant governmental, institutional, and accrediting bodies including, but not limited to, Fanshawe institutional policies and strategic priorities, Fanshawe institutional partners, the MCU, PEQAB, OCQAS and ONCAT.
    1. Ensure information on institutional policies and procedures is publicly available.
    2. Consider whether the terms of the pathways will result in a student’s academic compliance with all relevant regulatory and accrediting bodies.
    3. Promote pathways through relevant governmental, accrediting and or credentialing bodies where appropriate.
  5. Communicate the opportunities, terms, expectations, and processes of credit transfer and articulation agreements timely, clearly, consistently, and transparently to applicants and students and other internal and external stakeholders.
    1. Communicate existing, updated, and new pathways to all relevant stakeholders, e.g.: Academic area(s), Student Success Advisors, the Office of the Registrar, the Centre for Academic Excellence, Reputation and Brand Management, the International Centre, partner institution(s).
    2. Promote all pathways among applicants and students.
    3. Provide and communicate resources for advising and support as needed.
  6. Build relationships within and among partnering institutions and internal and external stakeholders with the intention to facilitate student mobility and through a spirit of cooperation, parity, and respect, while recognizing individual institutions’ right to autonomy in their own decision-making processes. 

Explore your options

Transfer to Fanshawe

Get recognition for your prior post-secondary education when you complete a related Fanshawe diploma or degree, or receive specialized training with a Fanshawe graduate certificate.

Transfer within Fanshawe

Take credits with you when you move on to a related Fanshawe diploma or degree, or get specialized training with a Fanshawe graduate certificate.

Transfer from Fanshawe

Continue your education and obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree with one of Fanshawe's partner schools.

Pathway Testimonials

Expanding Skills with a UK Photography Degree!

Fanshawe was a great experience that has taught me so much, brought me great friends, and allowed me to grow in ways I didn’t think was possible. […] I chose Solent University’s Photography program because it feels like a great extension of the coursework I did at Fanshawe. We learned a lot of technical skills. Solent's program will encourage me to tap into my creative side. This will push me to diversify my skill set and will open up more opportunities for new connections and experiences. All of this will impact my career by expanding my artistic, technological, and business knowledge and skills. I have a great interest in travel, cultural, and landscape photography and going abroad creates accessibility to all of England and Europe. The opportunities for me to explore and find beautiful people and places to photograph excites me. 

My advice to other students looking at transferring to an international school is to not be afraid to ask for help. I think this comes in handy not just for applying to an international school, but for everything. There are so many layers and parts to going to school internationally with the application, the visas, finding accommodation, flights, finances, etc… It is a lot of work, and can be very intimidating and scary. But finding people to support you and give you guidance can make it more enjoyable, less time consuming, and makes everything feel more human.

Molly Monger
Photography Diploma, Fanshawe College
BA Photography, Solent University

Mollie Monger - Pathway Photo

A Headstart into a Double Major Degree

I am a student with disability, and as I was applying to the Social Service Worker program, I was connected with an accessibility counselor at Fanshawe who took me step by step through the application process, and, who after I was accepted, was always available to me to ensure I had what I needed to succeed as a student with disability. Danielle was such an inspiration to me, I wanted to find a way to help post secondary students in a similar way. I began in the SSW program and then realized that I wanted to attend university instead. After an appointment with my academic advisor I moved into the General Arts diploma with the intention of moving to King’s at Western.

My time in the General Arts program helped prepare me to hit the ground running at King’s and gave me a head start by providing me direct transfer credits to King’s that put me ahead by a semester and a half. It was because of this that I felt I could do a double major. This will give me an advantage in whatever career path I choose to pursue.

To students considering a pathway to university, I would say go for it! With transfer credits, you can take courses at Fanshawe for less cost and have them apply to your degree. You also have the opportunity to learn study skills, writing skills, skills of working groups, as well as many others at Fanshawe that will help immensely when you arrive at University. I have had nothing but good experiences from taking the pathway from Fanshawe to King’s and will have both a diploma and a degree to show for it when I graduate next year.


Debra Woodhall
General Arts & Science Diploma, Fanshawe College
BA, Double Major in Social Justice and Peace Studies and Disability Studies, King’s University College at Western University

Debra Woodall - Pathway Photo

Completing a Hospitality Degree in BC! 

When I was younger I was never really interested in school. But then as soon as I came to Fanshawe, I started succeeding and I think that’s what gave me the confidence to go and travel to VIU. The relationships I had with all my teachers were really strong and I think that’s what made me do better in my courses. I was always really interested in traveling through school so, I Googled the top 10 best schools for hospitality management and VIU was one of the top ones. [The transfer process] was really easy. I was lucky that both [the pathways contact at Fanshawe and at VIU] were very helpful. They were quick to respond to emails and [my Hospitality Chair at VIU] went over everything that’s possible with my degree and any extra stuff I was interested in.


Because of to the pathway, it’s taking me a total of four years to complete the [Fanshawe] diploma, the [VIU] degree and two certificates. My Fanshawe credits covered the first two years of the degree and also worked for the two certificates. I only had to pick up two more credits in order to receive them with my degree. I am in the same course load as anyone else would be in third year of my Bachelor of Hospitality Management. 
I was nervous about moving far from home, especially going in halfway through where all these people at VIU already made friends and knew each other because they spent the past two years together. But on my first day of school I met one of my best friends who I’m now living off compass with. It was really easy to meet friends. VIU’s residence life have many activities set up throughout the year. Along with that, my professor and others were just very personable.
[To other students considering a pathway] all I can say is just do it. Find something that you are interested in and see if there’s a pathway opportunity for that and take it.  You may be scared and nervous to move and live far from home, but it’ll just give you so many more opportunities even right now, I’m in Jasper, Alberta doing a co-op and getting to travel. Again, just the people I meet there in the Pathway made it possible. […] You just meet so many more people and are given more opportunities when you take an opportunity like a Pathway. […] I think now having a degree will make me more qualified for future jobs.


Piper Walker
Food and Beverage Management, Fanshawe College
Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Wine Business Certificate, Event Management Certificate, Vancouver Island University (VIU)

Piper Walker - Pathway Photo

Exploring Options

The main reason I chose this pathway with Royal Roads is that I could get it done in one full calendar year. I didn't actually go right from Fanshawe to RRU. I took a year off and worked. I wasn't really doing what I wanted to do with my diploma, so I saw RRU has this opportunity to [finish a degree] in a year, therefore, I'm gonna do it with them. [The transfer process] was extremely smooth. This particular program took in students from all over the country from different colleges. I really enjoyed that you could develop a really tight knit group of people that were all going through the same experience at the same time. I really enjoyed the program and would highly recommend it. After I finished my degree, I went to work.  Then I went back to university and became a teacher. I use my RRU degree to teach math and science and I do have a teachable environmental science.

[To other students considering further education] they should definitely explore options. Like me, you might not know where your degree actually leads up to, but there's always possibilities. I would say that you can, anyone can be successful. My education pathway took me 10 years to finish on and off. I think it's, it's possible for anybody if they want to do it, you just need to know your weaknesses and your strengths. Don't be afraid to try and go outside your comfort zone.


Zachery Glavine
Environmental Technology Advanced Diploma, Fanshawe College
Bachelor of Environmental Science, Royal Roads University

Zachery Galvine - Pathways Photo

Finding My Place with an ECL Degree

I think what really stood out about the early childhood leadership (ECL) degree pathway was that it gives you a broader sense of the way the sector works. I knew I wanted to be in the earlier early years, I just didn’t have it honed in on exactly what that looked like for me yet. What the degree pathway opened was an opportunity to learn more about the sector I knew I wanted to be a part of and really figure out what my place within it was going to be.  Other benefits of continuing into the degree were that after completing my internship, I was offered some part time employment and then upon graduation, I was actually offered full time employment. I certainly wouldn’t have been in that position or that particular door may not have necessarily opened for me if it hadn’t been for the degree pathway and having that internship opportunity. I also had the opportunity to have my capstone research project published along with my professor who was my research advisor. That was a huge career moment for me. As for graduate education, the Fanshawe degree program has great relationships with the different faculties at Western. They were already aware of the Fanshawe program and already had that understanding of the caliber of student that was coming out of the program. That was a really easy transfer process.

I loved my time at Fanshawe, I really did. Far and away the thing that made my Fanshawe experience was the faculty and professors. They just go above and beyond there, so thoughtful and show such consistent acts of care for their students. I am now with a not for profit organization that supports capacity building for the earlier sector, namely through professional learning and professional development for early learning professionals across London, Middlesex and Elgin County. It’s an amazing organization to be a part of.  

To other students considering a degree, I’d say: just be open and don’t be intimidated by the more academic aspect of the degree pathway compared to the diploma program. With the level of support you get at Fanshawe, you really are taken through the process in a way that ends up not feeling so intimidating.


Meaghan MacDonnell
Early Childhood Education Diploma, Fanshawe College
Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Degree, Fanshawe College
MPEd | Field of Social Justice, Diversity and Equity Education, Western University

Meghan MacDonnell - Pathway Photo

Leveraging Experience Towards a Degree

Fanshawe College is an important part of my life’s journey. I have returned to study as a mature student after working for 16 years in the community with the first diploma Fanshawe helped me achieve. My experience as a student at Fanshawe has set me up for success, built leadership skills, and taught me professionalism. I am proud to say I earned my Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership from Fanshawe College, which is now providing an additional pathway for me to become an Ontario Certified Teacher!

I chose this pathway because Fanshawe credited my previous experience as an ECE to bridge into the degree program. I was able to enter into the 3rd year of the Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership degree after completing the bridge program. This pathway has already helped me in my career. My goal was to continue my education to Teacher College after completing the Hons. B.A. ECL degree. I was so pleased to be accepted to a number of universities for the Bachelor or Education program. I am currently a Teacher Candidate with Western University entering second year.   

I would encourage students to think differently about their education – instead of following a specific path determined by the institution, consider ways to be empowered to construct their own path and identify institutions and experiences that help them move forward on it.  

Ashley Shirley
Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Degree, Fanshawe College
Bachelor or Education, Western University

Ashley Shirley - Pathway Photo

Building Leadership Skills for a Masters

I felt that Fanshawe helped to prepare me for the coursework and the level of study that I was going into. I felt that I wasn't in over my head or that I was not experienced enough or not at the same academic level as my peers. I felt well-prepared academically. [This pathway] prepared me well to be able to teach at the postsecondary level and hopefully come back to teach in the program eventually. I have actually already taught a semester in the ECL program and ECE program at Fanshawe. The Western program has set me up to be a critical thinker and leader and be able to take that into whatever career that I choose to pursue. I feel well prepared.

Right now, I work with the city of London. I'm still interested in teaching at the post-secondary level. I may return to that, or I may look into pursuing a career for the city doing municipal policy or management within the department that I'm currently working in.  
I encourage [students considering further education] to reach out to other students that have pathways as well. Having that student experience and first-hand overview of what their experience is like, is really helpful. They can offer guidance and help you know what to expect.

Haille Ifabumuyi
Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Degree, Fanshawe College
MA in Education Studies in Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies, Western University

Haille Ifabumuyi - Pathway Photo

Challenging 75% of a Post-Secondary Program!

After over 30 years since last sitting in a classroom and at the age of 51, I made the exciting decision to pursue post-secondary education. […] Having spent my entire career in Office Administration and knowing that I would have to complete courses online on a part-time basis, I contacted the Registrar’s Office at Fanshawe College – London Campus. An appointment was set up with one of their very knowledgeable & friendly advisors to come in and discuss my educational path. Going into the appointment, I was fairly confident that I had enough of a knowledge base to complete at least 4 of the courses through PLAR.

To my surprise, I was informed that I could challenge up to 75% of the courses for a flat fee. By the end of the meeting and a few words of encouragement, I had enrolled in the one-year Office Administration program and decided to challenge 75% of the courses through PLAR. […] Because I live 2 hours outside of London, I was able to write the PLAR tests at the Fanshawe-Simcoe Campus, a half hour from my home.  I successfully passed the maximum amount of PLAR courses within a 4-month time frame. 

From that first meeting in London to graduation less than a year from when my journey began, it was a stress-free, enjoyable and seamless process.  It is a daunting thing to return to the classroom all these years later, let alone do it online. The support staff at both campuses and professors went above and beyond to set me up for success. Their knowledge and genuineness in wanting to see me succeed confirmed I chose the right College to continue my education.  The skills I have learned through this program have definitely further enhanced my job performance. […] An opportunity for a promotion [also] became available at my workplace!

Chris Dennis
Office Administration Executive Certificate, Fanshawe College

Chris Dennis - Pathway Photo

Course Outlines

A course outline is a summary document of essential course information, which includes learning outcomes and evaluations in a standardized format. 

Pathway Scholarships

Every year, we offer three Pathways Scholarships intended to enhance academic pathways, reduce barriers for students looking to transfer, and ultimately encourage and support our graduates to pursue further education and meet their career goals, whether it is within Fanshawe, Canada or abroad!

Study Abroad

Fanshawe College has been partnering with international institutions across the world to offer our students learning abroad opportunities for more than 20 years!

Contact Us

Admissions and Pathways Advisors

Office of the Registrar 
