Why study online at Fanshawe College?
Take advantage of Fanshawe's exceptional learning experience from the comfort of your own home. Fanshawe College offers more than 50 online programs and hundreds of online courses to choose from, it's easy to get started with online classes at Fanshawe.
Flexible Learning
Fanshawe offers both part-time and full-time options, plus, online learning is a great option for working professionals looking to transition into a new career, people with family demands or those who want the flexibility to learn at their own pace.
Career Focused Programming
Certificate, diploma and graduate certificate programs are offered at Fanshawe, with many leading to professional designations to help you achieve your goals.
Take the next step
Learn how to get started
To ensure you're successful in your online program or course, Fanshawe has a number of services and support available, even if you haven't registered yet.
Online Learner Resources
Fanshawe is here for you from technology support to eLearning academic advisors. Discover how we help you from registration to graduation
Have Questions?
Our frequently asked questions are here to help guide you on your journey
Online Post-Secondary Programs
List of all full-time programs that are available to take online
Online Graduate Certificates
Online programs for graduates interested in an Ontario College Graduate Certificate
Online Continuing Education
Begin online learning at your own pace by choosing your own courses
OntarioLearn - Online Offerings
Find a list of Fanshawe courses and programs that collaborate with OntarioLearn
How are online programs and courses offered?
Our online courses are designed by our experienced faculty and program teams with you in mind. They understand the need for flexibility and support while factoring in the unique learning outcomes and experiential activities you’ve come to expect from Fanshawe College. We offer our online education in two different formats - asynchronous and synchronous.
- Asynchronous simply means there are no scheduled classes, but you will receive structured guidance and support from your professor throughout your course.
- Synchronous means you will have scheduled hours with your classmates and professor, or a form of blended delivery where some of the course may be online and some in a face-to-face learning environment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does online learning mean?
Online learning involves you, the student, connecting to online learning platforms so that you can complete the requirements necessary to achieve your credit in the course.
Fanshawe’s online learning platform is FanshaweOnline (FOL) and it holds all of the course materials you will need, such as documents, presentations, videos, discussions, assignments and quizzes. Your professor will provide you with an orientation to each course, outlining their expectations for your participation, and how they will communicate with you. Communication is very important in online courses, since the professor may never actually meet you face to face. Please note, if you are enrolled in an OntarioLearn course, the platform will be different.
Do I have to log on at certain times?
This will be dependent on the course and instructor. Each instructor will outline the requirements for communication and online presence with you at the start of classes. You are encouraged to log on every day.
How do I access my FanshaweOnline Course
Once you are registered in online studies at Fanshawe, you will receive your log-in information for FanshaweOnline (FOL), Fanshawe’s learning management system. Course access is provided on the first day of class. For help with FOL, please see the Online Tools page.
How do I log into my OntarioLearn course?
OntarioLearn is separate from FanshaweOnline (FOL). If your section number is 50LC-54LC, then you have registered into an OntarioLearn course. Just prior to the course start date, (or if you registered at/after the course start date, within 48 business hours) you will be emailed login instructions to the OntarioLearn platform. You must ensure the Registrar’s Office has a current personal email address on file! If you have not received an email within the specified time above, please contact ontariolearn@fanshawec.ca for assistance.
How much time should I be spending on my online courses?
Online students have the same course load as in-class students. However, the benefit of online studies is that you can manage your own time. Most courses are 3 hours per week. However, this does not include time for reading, assignments, group work and discussions. You can expect to spend an additional 3 hours per week per course, for a total time commitment of about 36 hours per week for a 6 course load. This will vary depending on the student.
Can I work full-time and take online courses?
Being a full-time online student requires a large time commitment in order to complete the necessary requirements. You can apply to attend Fanshawe as a part-time online student if this is more convenient with your work schedule.
Can I do the courses at my own pace (i.e. hand things in when I want, complete material in advance, or start another course)?
This will depend on the instructor and course. It is more common that instructors have set due dates for assignments or deliverables and will only release current course content. This helps ensure students are kept on track.
How do I get my required course materials and books?
Required course materials are listed in the course outline for each course, which can be accessed once you have successfully logged in to your course. . You can also find the books required through Fanshawe Retail Services. As an online student you are affiliated with the London Campus. You can purchase textbooks online or in-person at the Campus Store. Shipping estimates and prices are also available.
How do I write my FanshaweOnline (FOL) tests and exams?
There are a number of options for completing the tests and exams in your online course. Please refer to our Test Centre webpage for more information. It is important that you notify your instructor as early as possible about the testing option you prefer. Some testing options have fees associated with them. It is possible to have up to 10 tests per year of study for an estimated cost of $250.
How do I write my OntarioLearn exams?
If your exam needs to be proctored, you have two options. You can either email olexam@fanshawec.ca to make arrangements for in person testing, or you can use the online proctoring service, Examity. Information for registering with Examity is available on your course site. Both options require a minimum of seven days notice.
How do I get my Student I.d.?
A new digital I.D is now available. The digital I.D. can be used as proof of student status only for things such as a student discount at grocery stores, restaurants etc. At the discretion of faculty and staff, the digital I.D. may also be used as Fanshawe identification for online tests and exams.
The digital I.D. cannot be used to access the bus, for door access or on campus purchases. Your digital I.D. can be accessed at fancard.fanshawec.ca. If you experience issues viewing the digital I.D., please use another browser and clear your internet cache. For further issues, email cards@fanshawec.ca.
What kind of computer and technology do I need?
As an online student, you must have regular access to a computer and the internet. A high-speed internet connection is recommended. Access to a webcam and microphone is strongly encouraged as some online courses have video call and/or online proctoring requirements. Please see the IT Services webpage for specific computer and hardware requirements. Technical assistance is also available. For help with FanshaweOnline (FOL), please see the Online Tools page.
Do I have to buy the computer from Fanshawe?
You can purchase or use your own computer as long as it meets the minimum requirements as posted in the question above. You can obtain some software for free as a student. Follow the instructions on how to download it at the Fanshawe Connect site. You will need your FanshaweOnline (FOL) account ID and password to download.
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