CES is an Employment Ontario services provider. We provide one-stop access to employment and education programs and services through respectful, flexible and personalized service. As a member of the College Sector Employment Services (CSES) network, we are committed to providing the highest standard of service possible. This Service Charter sets out the standards you can expect.

  • who we are
  • what we do
  • our Province-wide service commitment
  • what level of service you can expect (our service standards)
  • what we need from you
  • how you can comment or raise a concern about the service provided




Our services are available to anyone in the community and all services are free. Complete the form below for assistance with any of the following: 

  • Information on careers, education, labour market and training opportunities
  • Employment information workshops on a variety of topics
  • Advice and referrals to other community services and support

Career Launcher

Eligible participants will receive funding to offset program costs (eg. tuition and textbook expenses) for up to one year while they take part in online workshops covering employability and skills training.


Learn more about Career Launcher


We have many different workshops to help you get prepared for your future career. From identifying and building your skillset to prepping for an interview, we've got your covered. The list below highlights all of our available workshops, however not all workshops are offered on a weekly bases. To see which workshops are currently being offered, click the registration link below. If you are interested in a workshop that is not currently being offered, please complete the form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you. 


View and register for upcoming workshops


Types of Workshops

My Personality Preferences (2 Hours)

The goal of MBTI®, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, profile assessment is to determine your preferences and understand better your likes, dislikes, tendencies, strengths, areas of growth, and how best to work with other personality types. The assessment provides you with a profile using four letters that captures your true nature and is designed to help you learn more about you and to use what you know about yourself to enhance your personal and professional life.


My SparkPath (1 hour)

A new career exploration tool! This 30-minute card sort will help guide you to new and exciting job opportunities.

“The Challenge Cards are an innovative career development tool used by academic advisors, guidance counsellors, and teachers across North America to prepare students for the future of work. Simple, visual, and tactile, the cards encourage young people to think beyond traditional job titles and focus on the challenges, problems, and opportunities that exist in the world.”


Career Exploration (3 hours)

Not sure what type of work you would like to do or how to choose a job goal? Thinking of making a career change? Then join us as we examine your interests, values, personality traits and skills to help you discover more about yourself and your potential career options.


Strong Interest Assessment (1 hour)

The Strong Interest Inventory® (SII®) is a career evaluation model that helps individuals identify careers paths that are best suited for them based on their self-identified areas of interest. By providing interest-based recommendations, job seekers often discover career opportunities they may not have otherwise considered as well as a wealth of information about how they approach the world of work. SII® is currently one of the world’s most respected and widely used career planning tools.


Personality Dimensions (3 hours)

This workshop will help you discover what type of workplace best suits you. Learn more about your personality and work preferences which will help you discover your strengths and guide you in career exploration and in making career choices. Knowing your natural abilities can also be useful when building your resume and learning how to shine in job interviews. If you are happy at work you are likely going to be successful in your job!


Living with Career Development Stress (3 hours)

Stress is an experience that disrupts a person’s emotional and physical well-being. This can be especially true during times of unemployment or underemployment. Specific career development concepts like understanding who you are and engaging in life activities related to this awareness will assist you with improving your mental well-being while you search for employment. This fun and interactive workshop gives you practical ideas to implement during your stressful life and work decisions that are certain to come your way.


Resume & Cover Letter Writing (2 hours)

This workshop focuses on how to write an effective resume and cover letter that clearly displays your skills, experience and all you have to offer potential employers. The first half will focus on how to build your documents, while in the second half you will have the option of having your documents reviewed or using the computer lab to get started. Following the completion of this workshop you will have the opportunity to schedule an appointment to come back in and receive feedback on your new and improved resume and cover letter!


LinkedIn: Building Your Profile (2 hours)

In this workshop you will learn how to use this social media tool in your job search. We will discuss how to use the basic features of the site and how to create an effective profile. Participants will need to have basic computer and internet navigation skills, along with a willingness to share job-related information on the social media site to fully benefit from using LinkedIn as a tool in their job search.


Interview Ins & Outs (2 hours)

The interview is scheduled, what’s next?  Join us as we discuss how to present yourself to potential employers, how to answer common questions, and what questions you should ask. Following the completion of this workshop, you will have the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one mock interview to practice your skills and receive feedback.


Planning Your Job Search (2 hours)

New to the job search process? Not sure how to begin or haven’t searched in a while? In this workshop we will explore the job search process from start to finish and provide an overview of what to expect at each step along the way. This workshop is designed for job seekers who are at the beginning of their search.


Community Employment Services for Employers

If you are an employer in the London and Middlesex area, we can provide the following services at no cost to you. If you are not currently working with us, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page and we'll get back to you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Learn about our services

Additional Resources

Our Resource Centre provides free access to equipment, information, and friendly staff to assist with anything you need during your job search.

Computers and internet access

We have computers for use by anyone in the community. Available software includes the full Microsoft Office suite along with much more. We can assist you with online applications, job search, as well as resumes and cover letters.

Photocopier, telephone, and fax

Anyone in the community can have files photocopied, scanned, or faxed free of charge. We also have a community telephone.


Job Seekers 

Q. I have lost my job. How can you help?

A. We are here for you during these challenging times. Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop an action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220 or email ces@fanshawec.ca.


Q. How can I access Employment Insurance?

A. The Government of Canada has programs to support workers. Application for the Benefit are available via these websites.

Ontario Works 

Employment Insurance benefits and leave 


Q. I have been laid off and am thinking about going back to school. How can you help me?

A. We are here for you during these challenging times. Contact us to book a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore education and training options in line with your career goal. You may be eligible for the provincial government's Better Jobs Ontario program. Call us at 519-432-1220 or email us at ces@fanshawec.ca for more information.


Q. I’ve been laid off and am thinking about changing careers. How can you help?

A. We are here for you during these challenging times. All regular services are available. Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to identify your interests, aptitudes, values and personality type and discover what job or career best fits you. Learn about the local labour market and employment and training opportunities that exist in line with your career goal. You may be eligible for the provincial government’s Better Jobs Ontario program. Call or text us at 519-432-1220, or email ces@fanshawec.ca for more information.


Q. Can you tell me who is hiring right now?

A. We encourage you to visit job search specific websites including our website SWO JobsJob BankKnighthunter, IndeedLocal Jobs Hub or visit employer websites directly to search for vacancies. 

All regular services are available. Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop a return to work action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220, or email ces@fanshawec.ca


Q. I need help creating a good resume. Can you assist me?

A. We are here for you during these challenging times. We have Resume and Cover Letter Drop In every Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pm. If you require additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact us for a one-on-one virtual appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop a return-to-work action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220 or email ces@fanshawec.ca.


Q. I am a student and need help finding a job. How can you help me?

A. If you are a student at Fanshawe College, please contact Career Services by email at career@fanshawec.ca


Q. I have an interview coming up and I need help with interview techniques. Can you help me?

A. Yes, we are here for you. Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop an action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220 or email ces@fanshawec.ca.


Q. I recently moved to Canada. Can you help me with my job search?

A. Yes, if you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, Refugee or Protected Persons you can access our services. If not, you are welcome to access our workshops only. Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop an action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220 or email ces@fanshawec.ca.


Q. Is Community Employment Services Fanshawe aware of any local employers with temporary jobs available?

A. Community Employment Services Fanshawe is here to help you find a career that fits your skills and dreams. We provide clients with structured and individualized support for conducting effective and organized job searches. We encourage you to visit job search specific websites including our website SWO JobsJob BankKnighthunter, IndeedLocal Jobs Hub or visit employer websites directly to search for vacancies. 

Contact us for a one-on-one appointment with an Employment Consultant to explore your employment needs and develop a return-to-work action plan. Discuss job opportunities, develop your resume/cover letter with expert guidance and explore training options. Call us at 519-432-1220, or email ces@fanshawec.ca.


Q. What services do you offer to local businesses?

A. We are here for you during these challenging times. 

  • Providing guidance to those workers seeking to file online EI claims;
  • Assistance with providing consultation to employee groups being temporarily laid off – seeking basic need supports, mental health services/referrals, etc.
  • Post your employment opportunities on our website and at the College;
  • Attract and recruit employees with the skills you need;
  • Arrange staffing interviews and job fairs;
  • Refer clients pre-screened to meet your requirements;
  • Assess candidate abilities/skills with our Job Trial option;
  • Access potential hiring incentives;
  • Learn about tax credits and grants available to employers who offer apprenticeships;
  • Apply for Canada Ontario Job Grants to offset cost of employee training.


Contact Us

Job seekers and employers are encouraged to call any time to book an appointment or discuss available services. Our Clarke Road office is open for in-person services and accepting walk-ins.


Meet our Team


Nelson Plaza location:

155 Clarke Road
London, Ontario N5W 5C9
Phone: 519-432-1220
Fax: 519-432-2069 
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


