Every year, we offer three Pathways Scholarships intended to enhance academic pathways, reduce barriers for students looking to transfer, and ultimately encourage and support our graduates to pursue further education and meet their career goals, whether it is within Fanshawe, Canada or abroad. Each scholarship will be for a minimum of $1,000. Check out each scholarship below for eligibility requirements and details on how to apply.

For Pathways Scholarship questions, please email us at: pathways@fanshawec.ca 

Scholarship 1: Fanshawe Pathway (NEW!)

This scholarship is directed to Fanshawe students or recent graduates transferring to a second Fanshawe program through an established pathway listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database. The application period is January 1st to August 15th of the year you're planning to start your destination program. One successful student will be selected each year.

  • Full-time student enrolled in the last semester of a Fanshawe program, or a student who has graduated from a Fanshawe program within the last year;
  • Achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative);
  • Has registered for another Fanshawe program through one of the articulated pathways listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database.

Note: You may apply for this scholarship once you have been admitted into your second Fanshawe program (please attach the confirmation of your admission from the Office of the Registrar). In order to receive a pathways scholarship, you must be registered to your second program. Once a successful applicant has been selected, they will be contacted to verify eligibility, including proof of registration.

How to apply for the Fanshawe Pathway Scholarship
  1. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements above and have your admissions or registration letter (from the destination program);
  2. Complete the online Pathways Scholarship Application Form.


Scholarship 2: Domestic Pathway

This scholarship is directed to Fanshawe students or recent graduates transferring to a Canadian partner institution through an established pathway listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database. The application period is January 1st to August 15th of the year you're planning to start your destination program. One successful student will be selected each year.

  • Full-time student enrolled in the last semester of a Fanshawe program, or a student who has graduated from a Fanshawe program within the last year;
  • Achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative);
  • Has registered for an undergraduate or graduate degree at a partner institution in Canada through an articulated pathway listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database.

Note: You may apply for this scholarship once you have been admitted into your destination program (please attach the confirmation of your admission from the destination institution). In order to receive a pathways scholarship, you must be registered to your destination program. Once a successful applicant has been selected, they will be contacted to verify eligibility, including proof of registration at the destination institution.

How to apply for the Domestic Pathway Scholarship
  1. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements above and have your admissions or registration letter (from the destination institution);

  2. Complete the online Pathways Scholarship Application Form.


Scholarship 3: International Pathway

This scholarship is directed to Fanshawe students or recent graduates transferring to a partner institution outside of Canada through an established pathway listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database. The application period is January 1st to July 15th of the year you're planning to start your destination program. One successful student will be selected each year.

  • Full-time student enrolled in the last semester of a Fanshawe program, or a student who has graduated from a Fanshawe program within the last year;
  • Achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 (cumulative);
  • Has registered for an undergraduate or graduate degree at a partner institution abroad through an articulated pathway listed on the Fanshawe Pathways Database.

Note: You may apply for this scholarship once you have been admitted into your destination program (please attach the confirmation of your admission from the destination institution). In order to receive a pathways scholarship, you must be registered to your destination program. Once a successful applicant has been selected, they will be contacted to verify eligibility, including proof of registration at the destination institution.

How to apply for the International Pathway Scholarship
  1. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements above and have your admissions or registration letter (from the destination institution);

  2. Complete the online Pathways Scholarship Application Form.



Recipient Testimonials

Vonne Valeroso

Internal Pathways Scholarship Recipient

I selected the Business Administration Accounting (BAA) pathway because not only does it enable me to step towards obtaining an Honours Bachelor of Commerce Accounting degree, but it also provides me with an Advanced diploma in just a year. With this, a wider array of opportunities opened up to help me explore and find the job I love. I chose Fanshawe initially because my family recommended it; however, after taking 2 years of full-time online studies at Fanshawe, I came to the conclusion that Fanshawe genuinely cares about the success of its students - from professors to support staff - they attend to students' needs as best as they can.

Every semester at Fanshawe is a unique experience. One of those which I enjoyed greatly was during my second year in Business Law class. I loved how my professor made assignments fun, and one time we were given the task of acting as a lawyer to defend our client using concepts we learned. I enjoyed reading and responding to discussion posts and somehow filled the gap and made online learning more engaging.

My advice is simple. Every year has its own challenges but you are not alone. Your professors and Fanshawe staff are there for you, to help you as best as they can. Ask and you will receive help, so don't be afraid to continue your studies.

Vonne Valroso Portrait

Salma Habib

Domestic Pathways Scholarship Recipient

I chose to pursue an Advanced Graphic Design Diploma at Fanshawe because it aligned perfectly with my passion for becoming a designer. Fanshawe's program was the ideal choice for me, providing comprehensive training and education in graphic design. During my time at Fanshawe, I developed a strong interest in interactive design, ultimately prompting me to enrol in Humber College's Bachelor of Design User Experience to become a UX/UI designer. This decision was driven by my aspiration to explore further into the field of user experience design, which is becoming increasingly essential in today's design industry. I believe this pathway will have a significant impact on my career by providing me with the specialised knowledge and skills required to excel in UX/UI design roles and stay competitive in the ever-evolving design field.

During my three years at Fanshawe while pursuing my advanced graphic design diploma, I experienced significant personal and academic growth. My journey began during the pandemic, resulting in remote classes for the majority of my studies. However, during my final year, I had the opportunity to engage in in-person classes. My Fanshawe experience, whether remote or in-person, was truly transformative, and I'm immensely grateful for it. The professors I encountered were not only highly professional but also deeply caring, consistently going the extra mile to ensure every student's success. The program itself was thoughtfully designed  to equip us with the skills to become designers and prepare us for the workforce. Fanshawe College provided a wide array of resources, both in terms of mental and financial support, as well as opportunities for social engagement, all of which allowed me to thrive regardless of my circumstances.

For students wanting to continue their education, I'd like to share a piece of advice based on my own experience. It can be a challenging process to find the right program that aligns with your goals and interests. I applied to several different programs before stumbling upon the User Experience program that felt like the perfect fit. My advice is not to hesitate in seeking help and conducting your own research. Continuing your education can open up a multitude of opportunities, and I'm genuinely pleased that I took this important step in my academic journey.

Salma Habib Headshot

Ashlee White

International Pathways Scholarship Recipient

This pathway will have a major impact on my career! The travel and independence I will learn from moving abroad will have a significant impact on my outlook on life and will give me better insight into the lives of others. The degree I am obtaining will open more doors into a career and will also give me more experience and knowledge that I will use in my everyday life.

This scholarship will support my journey immensely. Going to school internationally is a huge financial decision that comes with a lot of responsibility. Having this scholarship will help me with the expenses of going abroad, the extra travel I plan on doing within Europe and most importantly it will help me obtain my social care degree!

During my time at Fanshawe I have had the privilege to have many different experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I had the honour to be enrolled in wonderful classes that were taught by some amazing professors. I got to learn so many different concepts along with doing hands-on field work during my placements which has given me great experience in my child and youth career. My favourite memories at Fanshawe have been made with the unforgettable individuals and friendships I have made with classmates, roommates, professors etc..

A piece of advice I can share with others looking to go to a school abroad is just do it. No matter how scary it might seem, the reward of going to a different country independently, travelling and getting more education is something no one will ever forget or regret. The memories, friendships and life experiences you will gain from going to school abroad will stay with you forever. Therefore, for anyone looking to do so, just apply and see where the journey will take you! 

ashlee white standing under an archway