PLAR is a process that allows you to identify, document and have assessed for recognition, your prior learning and skills. Your learning may be formal, informal or experiential.
You can acquire post-secondary level learning through:
- on-the-job training
- independent study
- volunteer activities
- military service
- work experience
- travel
- hobbies
International students
International students are encouraged to consider any impact to their current study permit and working eligibility, or impacts to their future post-graduate work permit eligibility, if their course load drops below that of a full-time student because of credits earned through PLAR. Contact an Immigration Consultant at the International Centre to learn more.
Credits through PLAR
You can receive credit for up to 75% of a college program through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, depending on the nature and extent of your learning and how well your learning matches the college course requirements (learning outcomes). You must be enrolled and complete a minimum of 25% of the program credit units at Fanshawe. NOTE: Degree programs are subject to requirements established by the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB).
PLAR assessment
Challenge Evaluation | Portfolio |
NOTE: Other modes of assessment may be used depending on the nature of the course.
Apply for PLAR
- Contact an Admissions and Pathways Advisor in the Office of the Registrar, by phone at 519-452-4277 or email at
- The PLAR application fee is $105 per course. This fee applies to both the challenge evaluation and the portfolio assessment. The fee is non-refundable.
- If you fail to prove that you have met the learning outcomes, you are not eligible for a refund. If you have paid for a challenge evaluation and then decide to take the course instead, you are not eligible for a refund. You should review the course material before deciding to complete a challenge evaluation.
Check out Fanshawe's NEW Open Educational Resource on PLAR for detailed information on the PLAR process, timelines and PLAR resources for students.
PLAR affecting OSAP
If your course load drops below that of a full-time student because of credits earned through PLAR, your eligibility for financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) might be affected. PLAR candidates are encouraged to contact Financial Aid and Student Awards for questions about OSAP eligibility.
PLAR Learner Guide
A PLAR Learner Guide is a resource for candidates and students to help them decide whether they should move forward with a PLAR application. Learner Guides are developed for specific courses and contain general PLAR information, as well as detailed course information relevant for applicants wishing to PLAR the specific course.
Book an appointment with an Admissions and Pathways Advisor, or contact your Program Coordinator to inquire about PLAR and see if a Learner Guide is available for the course you wish to PLAR.
Amy Haertel's Pathway to Success