Fall 2024 course options

Courses are first come, first served—there are no waiting lists for courses that are full! We strongly advise you to register in your General Education course as soon as possible. This list of courses does not update when courses are full. When completing your registration you may need to try several courses before you find one that still has room for you to register.


How to Register


The following courses are: Blended / In-Person

Scheduled / Have Scheduled Hours / Synchronous 
3hrs per week (2hrs in-person + 1hr online) | 3 credits each 

Weekday Time:  Wednesday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd. London, Ontario 

Please note: Course options are subject to change without notice due to changes in planning. Please double-check course lists prior to completing your registration to ensure specific courses are still offered.

ENGL-1058-60 Short, Short Fiction

Think you don't have time to read for pleasure? Think again! This course examines short, short stories that are under 1000 words, yet still manage to pack in complex plots, characters, narrators, settings, themes, and language. Although short short fiction is quick and easy to read (from 1 minute to 15 minutes), the form requires an enormous amount of skill, so we will explore what it takes to create successful short short fiction, and evaluate stories based on common elements.

FILM-1004-60 Film Genres – Epic 

This course is designed to develop a critical approach to the medium of film and epic films, to examine individual creative expression in the films of important directors within the genre, to develop the ability to identify technical aspects of film, and to discern mediocre and excellent use of filmmaking technique. Students will be required to watch one weekly film outside of class hours. Evaluation will be based on in-class quizzes as well as two essays and a final test. Some of the films which we will study include Collateral, Gladiator, Dances with Wolves, and Marvel's The Avengers.

HIST-1054-60 The History of Medicine

We're excited to be offering this class as a Super Class! 

This course offers a survey of the history of medicine from antiquity to the present day and introduces students to the most significant characters and cases in medical history. Students will gain an understanding of the social, economic, and political impact of outbreaks such as the plague, small pox, and AIDS as well as significant medical advancements in the conceptualization of disease, health, and medical care. Topics include: Greek, Roman, and Renaissance medicine, the development of anatomy and psychiatry, and modern epidemics.

INDS-1049-60 Experimental Music      

This course introduces students to the key composers and artists in experimental music from the early 20th century to the present and provides an overview of the central movements in experimental music. Students analyze and evaluate a broad variety of musical compositions and written sources.

INDS-1129-60 90's Pop Culture       

The 1990s are sometimes understood as a period of time between major events. Occurring between the end of the decades-long Cold War and prior to the 9/11, retrospective analyses of the 90s often describe it as a decade of relative peace and prosperity; the rise of the Internet ushered in a new era of technological advances while the dot-com bubble enriched many. However, by contextualizing the supposed irreverence of the 90s against Kuwait and the first Gulf War, civil right activism and neoliberal economics in the West, the freeing of Nelson Mandela, the end of apartheid South Africa, and the Bosnia and Rwandan genocides-among others- this course invites students to reconsider this era as a period of formative change with significant reverberations across the 2000s. In this course, students will analyze a range of 90s cultural media including  music videos, TV show episodes, movies and documentaries, songs, magazine articles, and advertisements as they seek to understand why the 1990s were a decade of profound change and how those changes continue to impact popular culture in the 2020s.

PSYC-1047-60 Human Sexuality       

This course will introduce students to human sexuality with a focus on practical information for everyday living. The course will include a broad knowledge base about sexuality by exploring the biological, social, psychological and historical aspects. The course will encourage an understanding of the various influences on the development of ones sexual knowledge, attitudes, relationships and behaviours.

PSYC-1123-60 Art of Intelligence       

This course introduces students to the various forms and theories of intelligence. Topics include creativity, emotional intelligence, non-verbal intelligence, social intelligence, mindfulness, learning disabilities and exceptionalities. This course comprehensively examines the role of intelligence fr personal and professional success, as well as the application of both verbal and non-verbal forms.

Online Diploma General Education Electives

All Online General Education courses are delivered in an unscheduled and asynchronous format. Students are free to choose any Online elective as they will not conflict with any other course schedule.

Diploma Students: Full-time — Online Courses: Full
