What is the Poppy Project?
A sustainable and interactive project for all ages that uses seed paper, the poppy is designed to be created and then placed in your garden to bloom in the Spring.
This project is an educational collaboration between Fanshawe College, The Royal Canadian Legion and schools across Canada.
The concept of the project is for students to create a sustainable poppy made from seed paper that they can wear to commemorate Remembrance Day. Classrooms will be able to use this interdisciplinary experience as a vehicle to teach about the history of the poppy, the importance of Remembrance Day and to connect with various curricular areas including science, social studies, literacy, the arts and beyond.
Please note: Poppy kit orders are now closed for the year. Kits will be available again starting September of 2025.
Make the Seed Paper
Craft the Poppy
Wear for Remembrance Day
Plant in Spring and Grow Poppies
What's in the Kit?

The kits from Fanshawe are $10 each (plus HST and shipping) and include:
- Online Bilingual Instructions
- Online Bilingual History of the Poppy
- Red Construction Paper
- Poppy Seeds
- Psyllium
- Pins
Poppy Seeds
Psyllium Powder
Teachers will receive lesson plans (created by Fanshawe College) that will include step-by-step instructions: how to make the seed paper, a pattern of the poppy, a guide to assemble the poppy, a video/slide presentation highlighting the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrea, the history of the poppy and its symbolism.
Completed Free Form Poppy
Completed Seed Paper Poppy
The kits include everything you need to create either the free form seed paper poppies or the petalled seed paper poppies in the form of a ‘top secret’ mission. The free form seed paper poppies are recommended for grades K–6, while the petalled seed paper poppies are recommended for grades 7–12.
What is the Lesson?
Remembrance Day and the Poppy
2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the Remembrance Poppy in Canada, a lasting symbol of hope since the First World War. In 1915, Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae wrote the poem, ‘In Flanders Fields.’
The concept of the project is for students to create a sustainable poppy made from seed paper that they can wear to commemorate Remembrance Day. Classrooms will be able to use this interdisciplinary experience as a vehicle to teach about the history of the poppy, the importance of Remembrance Day, and to connect with various curricula areas including science, social studies, literacy, the arts and beyond.
Included in every kit are step-by-step instructions on how to make the seed paper, a pattern of the poppy, a guide to assemble the poppy, a video/slide presentation highlighting the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrea, the history of the poppy and its symbolism.
The poppy, adopted as the symbol of Remembrance by the Canadian Legion in 1921, became a huge commemorative success as millions of people pinned the bright red flower over their hearts to show their solidarity to the men and women who had made such great sacrifice.
Today, the Royal Canadian Legion continues its Poppy Campaign. The money raised provides financial assistance to veterans and their families, as well as funding for medical equipment, medical research, home services, long-term care facilities and much more. The remarkably delicate flower is a symbol of hope and a reminder to never forget those who gave their lives for our freedoms.
This project is a part of Fanshawe colleges wider initiative as a Military-Connected Campus. Fanshawe is dedicated to providing social, academic and financial support to Military-Connected Students.
How-To Videos
Seed Paper Making Process
Free-Form Poppy Instructions
Making Your Own Screen
Media Coverage
CBC: Poppy Project at Fanshawe College makes seed paper poppies that grow into flowers
CFRL: “Growing symbols of hope:” Fanshawe’s sustainable Poppy Project
London Free Press: Sustainable poppies symbols of remembrance, hope
CTV News: Riverside Public School making biodegradable poppies for Remembrance Day
The Poppy Project would not have been possible without the assistance of our generous sponsors.
Ontario Seed Company (OSC)
Donated the poppy seeds
Royal Canadian Legion
Actively supports distribution of the sustainable Poppy
Goodwill Industries
Helped assemble and ship the kits
Serenity Universe
Provided the psyllium powder
North American Paper
Provided the paper
Special Thanks
Noreen DeShane, Dana Morningstar, Brian Harris, Darlene O’Neill, Andrew Malison, Annette Markvoort, Tracy McIntyre, Lorrie Dunn, Drew Ellwood, Deb Trotechaud, Elizabeth Oakley and Ben Robinson, Edwin van der Wolf, Hyunmin Lee, Joshua Gall.
Programs Involved in the Project
General Support of the Project
The Poppy Design is a registered trademark of The Royal Canadian Legion, Dominion Command and is used under license.
Le motif du coquelicot est une marque déposée de la Direction nationale de La Légion royale canadienne et est employée sous licence.
For questions about poppy kits or the Poppy Project initiative, please contact mcc@fanshawec.ca.