What is gender-based and sexual violence?

Any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity and gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, cyber harassment and sexual exploitation. 

Get Support

Confidential support and options are available. The violence does not have to have taken place when you were a Fanshawe student and you may access support for acts of violence that have taken place off-campus.

Fanshawe’s Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator

The Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator can provide support and information about your options, which may include: medical, counselling, reporting and academic accommodations.

  • Assists and supports students who have been subjected to sexual violence.
  • Provides information on available options on and off campus.
  • Provides referrals to medical care, counselling services, community services, as well as information about legal and reporting options.
  • Services are confidential, within limitations related to concerns for campus community safety.
  • Students can call or email to make a personal appointment.

Contact us

519-452-4282 or email svsupport@fanshawec.ca

Counselling Services

Counselling Services offers a wide range of personal counselling services to students as well as referrals and assistance with safety planning. Counsellors provide a confidential atmosphere where you can explore any topic or situation and discuss any concerns you may have including situations involving recent or historical sexual violence.


Learn more about Counselling Services

Fowler Kennedy Student Health Services

Student Health Services offers a wide variety of services for all registered full-time students at Fanshawe College. For more information on hours of operation and how to book an appointment please visit the website below.


Learn more about Health Services


Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program at St. Joseph’s Hospital

The Program provides help to address your medical, emotional and safety concerns in a caring and supportive environment. Services include, but are not limited to; forensic evidence collection, counselling, and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment.  A specialized team of nurses and social workers are available to provide support and discuss your options. Services are available to individuals of any gender identification or non-conforming gender identity. All services are confidential, free of charge, and directed by the patient.

Phone: 519-646-6100 x64224 (Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
After hours phone: 519-646-6100, press “0” and ask switchboard to page the nurse-on-call for sexual assault and domestic violence.

St. Joseph’s Health Care London
268 Grosvenor Street, Room B0-644
London, Ontario N6A 4V2

Anova - Support and Information Helpline

24/7 support services are offered over the phone to men and women. Anova provides feminist based client focused, counselling and support to women 15 years and older. Services are confidential and free of charge.

Phone: 519-642-3000
Website: anovafuture.org


Fanshawe Documents

Fanshawe’s Sexual Violence Report 2023 - 2024

Fanshawe College's Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault


